CRTD Table of Contents

Introduction: A Little Knowledge Is Dangerous

Background:  The Fundamentals

1.  Test Theory

2.  Types of Tests

Overview: the CRTD Model and Process

3.  The CRTD Model and Process

The CRTD process:  Planning and Creating the Test

4.  Plan Documentation

5.  Analyze Job Content

6.  Content Validity of Objectives

7.  Create Cognitive Items

8.  Create Rating Instruments

9.  Establish Content Validity of Items and Instruments

10.  Initial Test Pilot

11.  Statistical Pilot

12.  Parallel Forms

13.  Cut-off Scores

14.  Reliability of Cognitive Tests

15.  Reliability of Performance Tests

16.  Report Scores

Legal issues in criterion-referenced testing

17.  Criterion-Referenced Testing and Employment Selection Laws

Epilogue:  CRTD As Organizational Transformation